Reasons to live an alcohol free life

Your body’s primary organ of detoxification is the liver. The liver breaks down harmful chemicals, old blood cells and more; it also produces bile, which is needed for digestion, and cholesterol, which is required for cell membrane maintenance and repair. When you drink excessively or use drugs, the liver is overly stressed as it grapples with its normal daily tasks and the overflow of harmful chemicals it must break down. Gradually it becomes damaged, leading to fatty liver syndrome or even cirrhosis, a potentially fatal condition.

Talk about it

Alcohol is calorie-dense, and cutting it out can lead to a reduction in calorie intake. When it comes to mental health, it’s a chicken-egg question. It is proven that alcohol disrupts your immune system’s ability to fight and recover from bacterial and viral infections, as well as liver disease, lung disease, cancer, or simple injuries and wounds. Alcohol disrupts sleep and lowers sleep quality. Drinking alcohol increases a patient’s risk of developing sleep bruxism(nighttime teeth grinding), which can cause morning headaches, tooth damage, and TMJ disorder.

Reasons to live an alcohol free life

The Little Book of Sound €4.95

And she says, you know, if that had been when I’d been drinking, oh, my God, it would have been a different picture. Each week, I’ll bring you tools, lessons and conversations to help you drink less and live more. Maybe you’ve never been interested in logging your innermost thoughts, but journaling can be a great tool to track your feelings as you work on quitting alcohol. It’s common to have a difficult time when making big changes, but good self-care practices can help you manage overwhelming feelings and take care of your mind and body.

  • From there, they travel to other parts of your body and affect organ systems, including the cardiovascular, immune, and nervous systems, along the way.
  • Surely’s non-alcoholic wine selection offers genuine taste and benefits of wine without the drawbacks of alcohol.
  • See, actually aspiring to, you know, we all got someone ahead of us and someone behind us and that’s fantastic.
  • Cognitive, emotional, and sleep disturbances can occur at even moderate levels of drinking.
  • Every time you buy or use drugs, you put yourself in danger.

Your relationships may suffer at first.

  • And of course, there were this many news articles that said, it was good for me.
  • If you’re fed up of feeling drained and exhausted all the time, taking some time off from drinking will make you feel so much better.
  • Now that you’re alcohol free, you’ll be waking up earlier and with fewer hangovers.
  • Or did you just want to feel more productive with your life?
  • Alco­hol can have an imme­di­ate, neg­a­tive impact on your immune sys­tem, reduc­ing its abil­i­ty to fight off germs.

Because they’re all celebrating with a lovely grown up drink, and I’ve got a crap cup of tea. And so, then it all kicks off, you know, whereas if you’ve prepped in advance, and you’ve got a lovely glass of something grown up, then you’re good to go. So, it’s really you have to do the prep, you have to have that ready, and you’re sober toolkit. Research shows that some damage to your brain, liver, heart, and gut done by alcohol will slowly heal when you stop drinking. While it’s true that alcohol withdrawal symptoms can be severe, they will not last forever.

Reasons to live an alcohol free life

Check out Andy Ramage’s (from One Year No Beer) article Why taking a break from alcohol will be the best decision you ever made. P.S. If you need to take a break from alcohol, I’m here to help. You can read about my challenges and programs HERE.

Reasons to live an alcohol free life

Reasons to Be Drug And Alcohol Free

Am I drinking too much anymore than I will ever Google? And you know, if there’s one in the house, I might even make a kiwi fruit salad tomorrow, and then I’m not gonna have another one for six months, or I don’t care. And they’re so nervous of doing that, that it makes them alcohol free lifestyle not quit, as it were. But what is almost always the case is that, once you actually get through that hard bit and focus just on that, as you say, you become much more resilient, and much more confident. And from that place, you have such clarity over what it is you want.

Reasons to live an alcohol free life

But I think it can be a real thing for people because you know it frees up more time, a lot more time. You know, I’ve had several club members say to me, I actually realized I don’t have anything in my life drink was my only thing, how frightening is that I don’t have anything. So, I do think it takes some time, but it’s a fabulous experience.

Your Next Steps to Being Drug and Alcohol Free

You can stop the roller coaster of addiction and avoid emotional dependency. A good rehab center and support group will help you find ways to feel good about yourself without abusing substances. It harms your health, drains your energy and makes you dependent on something outside of your own free will.