In 2021, the wider availability of smartphones around the world meant that most recreational screen time was taking place on that kind of device rather than another kind. This, notably, also coincided with the emergence of zoomers as a cultural force. Interestingly, Twitter, whose user base tends to skew millennial, still looms large, representing that generation’s continuing influence on internet culture.

The graph may make it seem like the platforms are competing for attention share, but it’s important to remember that the origin site of a meme is only part of its story. All the platforms coexist in an ecosystem, and most people post and maintain a presence across several of them. TikTok and Twitter dominated, each taking up about a third of meme origins on the site, while the other platforms together comprised another third. TikTok’s 13 percent jump between 2019 and 2020 is more drastic and rapid than any other year-by-year shift in meme origins recorded in the data. Since 2020 wasn’t very long ago, you probably remember the time in quarantine when everybody started getting on TikTok or getting grumpy at other people who were on TikTok. The format, even when on other platforms, keeps its “Twitterness” — the characters look the way they’d appear in a Twitter post with side-by-side boxes.

  1. For starters, the most popular planet memes generally seem to focus on either Jupiter or Saturn.
  2. It received roughly 2.6 million plays and 546,800 likes in 11 days (shown below, left).
  3. On February 26th, 2018, YouTuber Cool Cat decided to make a “When did the biggest planet on earth meme first appear?” video, which garnered over 1.1 million views (shown below, left).
  4. The graph may make it seem like the platforms are competing for attention share, but it’s important to remember that the origin site of a meme is only part of its story.

The number one meme origin position assumed by Twitter arguably represents not just the creativity on the platform, but its role as a bridge between the purely online world and the in-real-life media world. However, the biggest planet on earth meme actually represents a criticism of the way that society values material possessions over experiences. The image itself is a representation of our planet Earth, but it is significantly smaller than the size of a credit card. This is meant to show how small our planet is in comparison to the size of the universe, and how we should value our time here instead of wasting it on things that don’t matter.

The planets are so big and vast that it can make someone feel very small in comparison. This is a very popular meme that is often used to make fun of someone or something. The planets are so big that it is hard to believe that they are actually real. This meme is often used to make fun of someone who is very small in comparison to the planet. The biggest planet on earth meme has also been used to make political commentary. For example, during the 2016 US presidential election, the meme was used to contrast the size of Earth with that of Jupiter, with Jupiter being represented as Hillary Clinton and Earth as Donald Trump.

Pluto is largest and second most-massive dwarf planet located in the outer solar system, in an area known as the Kuiper Belt. It was first discovered in 1930 and ‎nettradex for ifc markets on the app store was considered a planet until 2006, when it was downgraded to dwarf. It is notable for the controversy regarding its demotion and the resulting online fandom.

Powehi / First Image of Black Hole

The meme is often used to make jokes about various situations, and it never fails to get a laugh. When the biggest planet on earth meme first circulated on the internet, many people were confused about what it was supposed to represent. Some people thought it was an image of the actual planet Earth, while others thought it was a joke about the size of the United States. There’s no one answer to this question since, like all memes, the biggest planet on earth meme has taken on many different forms over the years.

How has the biggest planet on earth meme evolved over time?

Smudge can stand for a real cat and Taylor Armstrong for the memer, but Smudge can also just as easily stand for the memer themselves and Taylor Armstrong for their mom. The meme can also express both complicated beef on a gaming subreddit and deep concern about the direction the world is going in. If the late 2010s are remembered for anything, it may be as the golden age of object-labeling memes.

Where Did Memes Come From In 2010?

The response of meme communities to Stefánsson’s death showed a kind of emotional attachment that surprised people who thought memes were just funny things on the internet. Through his art, Stefánsson created something which meant a lot to people and rendered their lives richer and fuller. The meme creators who riffed on his performance on LazyTown also made something moving enough to inspire people to donate money, form community support networks and take part in collective rituals of grief and remembrance. People used their real names, posted real pictures of themselves and interacted with people they actually knew in real life — conditions weren’t necessarily as ripe for tomfoolery and memeing. The result was a platform full of snippet-sized content that quickly became home to some of the most vibrant and wacky content on the web.

Hopefully, these charts and data can tell part of the story of how and why it changed. So without further ado, let’s jump into the world of memes circa 2010 and work our way up to the present day. Using numbers from our database on entry origins, we produced charts showing the top platforms memes originated on from 2010 onwards. For the purposes of this investigation, we sampled 700-1,400 memes each year. It all happened fairly recently and the internet can be difficult to analyze. It’s enormous, records get deleted quickly and platforms are less than transparent about how decisions get made and algorithms function.

Regardless of the reason, the meme is a popular way to make a statement. The trend continued to gain iterations going into August 2022, additionally earning more likes and plays. For instance, on July 29th, 2022, TikToker[8] willisdaskillus posted a video about shaving “the flow” off his head, earning roughly 2.4 million plays and 432,800 likes in two weeks (shown below, left).

Many professional media brands – magazines, TV shows and websites – also participated in the challenge because it offered surefire engagement and views. The year 2014 saw the full emergence of Vine, the video-sharing platform which walked so TikTok could run. What distinguishes Reddit from sites like 4chan is its total anonymity and radically democratic structure. Comments and posts aren’t stacked and arranged in the newsfeed according to how popular or relevant they are to you personally, but based solely on how recent they are. The biggest trend in 2011 seems to be the increased meme share distribution on Reddit and Tumblr. Reddit’s use of subreddits catering to niche interests bears some similarity to the various boards on 4chan.